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Westlake Historical Society
1371 A Clague Rd, Westlake, OH 44145

Mr. Bunny returns to the Clague House Museum for Pet Photos. 

Monday April 7,2025

7:00-9:00 P.M. Other dates available by calling 216-848-0680.


The suggested donation is $10.00.

Please contact Lysa at 216-848-0680 to make your reservation.

You are also welcome to bring your own camera or use your phone.

Friendly pets and owners are welcome.

Please keep your dog on a leash.

Walk your dog before visiting Mr. Bunny

Please be sure to clean up after your dog.  





This website was developed for the Westlake Historical Society, located in Westlake,Ohio.

 Copyright © 2005-2024 Westlake Historical Society. All rights reserved.